Don’t get lost! When people google for your service they should find YOU! See real results, weekly analysis, and reporting so you know exactly how you are gaining traction and measure your ROI. How many new clients did you miss today because you didn’t show up in their search.  

A lot of people are connected to the internet and a lot of them are searching using Google, so it’s a good idea to also make it part of your marketing plan to make your business visible when people search for services or products you offer.

There are different factors affecting ranking high on the Google search engine result or in other terms showing your business on the results. And those are the things The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist will do for you to increase your website visibility to users.


  1. Keyword Research and Keyword Optimization

Keywords are the words and phrases that people are searching for in a search engine like Google.

And the Goal of SEO specialists is to do keyword research and make sure that the keyword your page is using is relevant to what people are searching for.

Target keywords should be part of the content, URL, meta description.


  1. Content

This helps your web page rank high in the search engines. Based on the keyword research, there will be a list of target keywords or phrases that will be used on the content or articles on your website.

This is important for link building and also quality content minimize bounce rate (how fast the user leave the website) which is also another ranking factor.

The job of an SEO specialist is to help you with content strategy.

Content Strategy focuses on planning, creation, and delivery of content, not only the words but also the images and multimedia that are used.

The ideal blog post length for SEO 2021 is 2,100 – 2.400 words.


  1. Link Building

Link is another factor in ranking high in the search engine. This is the process of getting other websites to link back to your website. Links signal to Google that your website has quality resources and helps search engines crawl between the pages to your website.


  1. Site Speed

Is also another ranking factor. This refers to how fast your webpage loads both on desktop and mobile.

– It’s also best to have a URL or the Website structure is SEO friendly.

– Use HTTPS and SSL certificates.


The Benefit of Optimizing your website.

  1. Increasing your visibility online.
  1. Brings more traffic or people to your website and can convert those visitors into email subscribers, readers, or paying customers.
  1. Brand awareness – Ranking high on the search engine is perceived to be more trustworthy in addition to users getting more familiar with the product or service your business offers.


Other Services: 

*Website Development and Hosting 

*Executive Assistant 



We’re committed to your growth and success. We look forward to partnering with you to attain real results. 




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Founder of the Courageous Mind Angela Schroeder - The Courageous Mind