Are you doing what's important or what's urgent?

Can you imagine what an empty inbox feels like? What about knowing you have followed up with all your prospects and sent a follow-up touch to everyone on a list. What if someone had researched all the ideas you had from the night before? All before 8 AM.

Spend your time doing what is IMPORTANT not what seems URGENT at the moment. The most successful people are not spending their days in survival mode constantly chasing the urgent. They are focused on doing what is most important to move their business forward towards growth. 
Learn about the power of an Executive Virtual Assistant! In my strategy meeting with you, we will work through exercises to identify how you can spend more of your time working on your Unique Genius (working on your strengths, what you do best, what gives you energy, and what gets you closer to your big goals and vision.)
After the strategy session, you will know what to delegate specific to you, your strengths, your goals, and your business. You will see an immediate ROI on your Executive Virtual Assistant in the growth you are able to create by taking back your time. An added bonus is you will be happier and have more energy too because you are not drained by tasks that suck up your energy. 
Attached is a list of tasks many of our Executive Virtual Assistants do. Schedule your strategy session to find out how they could uniquely help you. If you decide it’s not a fit you will still benefit immensely from the awareness of how you spend your time after our strategy session. 

Get your free unleash your courage workbook!

Founder of the Courageous Mind Angela Schroeder - The Courageous Mind