Creating Memories

Are you making time for experiences and creating memories? Carve out time in the year ahead to spend with the people who matter most. 

If you don’t put the time in your calendar to make memories, it isn’t going to happen. This is something you should be intentional about. How will you make special experiences and make more memories? What’s on your bucket list this year for experiences?

What memories will you plan for 2023? What new experiences are you most excited about? I would love to hear from you! 

Be part of our Courageous Living Community and support stepping outside your comfort zone and reaching all goals and dreams. 

Join me live every Wednesday at 4:30 PM CST for “Unleash your Courage” in our Courageous Living Community and learn how to live more courageously

Get your free unleash your courage workbook!

Founder of the Courageous Mind Angela Schroeder - The Courageous Mind