Custom process design
- Managed led research-design strategies to provide original design concepts for Internet and Intranet applications
- Accomplish a theme redesign using CSS edits and HTML edits for anot-for-profit children’s social network helpline.
- Manage company’s social networking presence on the internet, aswell as assisting with updates to website and advertising
- Manage and design all interactive projects for clients; translating business requirements and user needs into compelling multimedia solutions
- Design and code responsive email templates to current industry standards using CSS, HTML, and some JSON
- Develop functional wireframes and GUI prototypes in HTML using Dreamweaver MX
- Create proofs, and new product templates, and send sample product mock-ups done in photoshop to clients
- Create designs, concepts, and sample layouts based on knowledge of layout principles and aesthetic design concepts
- Collaborate in a menu layout, product description, pricing configuration, and feature design and consult on overall company branding
- Create interactive animations, technical instructions, and innovative multimedia presentations for online distribution, conferences, and software applications
- Perform QC test on the fabric to ensure it meets customer requirements
- Accredit for new corporate identity design and intranet development
- Design identity and serve on the committee of the major corporate cultural change initiative
- Edit and proofread company documents and contributor articles for publication