Want to grow your business and your life? Delegate

We empower business professionals to operate in their unique genius and delegate everything else using a virtual assistant so that by focusing on what matters most they can grow their businesses and their lives exponentially faster.


Spend Your Time and Energy on
1. Tasks that require your unique strengths and talents and fill you with energy.
2. Work ON your business, not IN your business.
3. Block out time for creativity.
4. Time for rejuvenation of energy.

Your virtual executive assistant is your strategic partner. Once you develop a working relationship they will be anticipating your next steps and finding you solutions. The goal is to delegate everything that does not require you, the possibilities are endless. Save time and money and increase your productivity and customer response time.


Reach out to discuss how we can help you find the perfect virtual assistant for you!


Visit Virtual Team for more information below:



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Founder of the Courageous Mind Angela Schroeder - The Courageous Mind