Work In Your Own Unique Genius

“There are no limits on what you can accomplish. There are limits on your time and energy. Are you spending those most precious limited commodities doing what you do best? Are you using your time and energy every day to accomplish what you want most and grow your life in the direction of your dreams?”
All too often we get caught up in the busy. We spend hours of our days just responding to emails, texts, and social media messages. We muscle through the details of projects to get them done because we can do it best. We put out fires and operative in a reactive instead of a proactive state. We get consumed in working IN our businesses in the day-to-day operations, instead of working ON our business that would produce the most growth.
It is time to take a step back. It is time to look at the big picture and what you want to accomplish in your life and your business. The Courageous Mind helps you spend your time and energy on what matters most. We work with highly successful business owners and executives to work in their unique genius to create the maximum opportunity for growth in their businesses and their lives. Through an interview process, we evaluate what tasks can be delegated, and match our clients with highly trained and motivated executive assistants.
When you effectively delegate the details, you have time for creativity and to design systems to create growth. The time you free up in your calendar, you can use to make new in-person business connections, meet with clients, spend time with family, and grow yourself through books, podcasts, and seminars. Deep down we all know these are the most important things to spend our time on, but we have gotten so bogged down in the details we don’t have the energy to find a solution.
It is time to stop living on autopilot and start living on purpose.

Check out our website for all the services we offer for businesses at competitive rates that will blow your mind. In addition to executive assistants, we offer Social Media Management, SEO, Websites, E-Commerce, Research, Podcasts, Sales Calling, and more.

Get your free unleash your courage workbook!

Founder of the Courageous Mind Angela Schroeder - The Courageous Mind